Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Getting Started Breeding

I have had several people ask me how I am getting color sheep.... colors other than purple and dark blue. The first two or three time I tried breeding sheep all I got was the ugly purple and blue sheep also...

Well since the only sheep I had was a dark purple color area 2& 3 and Blue color area 1 Ram and a Redish color area 1&2 Maroon color area 3 ewe that came with the sheep breeding shed.

I tried several breeding and sure enough all I was getting were the same ole sheep over and over.....so I thought to myself ... how would genetics work in real life?

I don't think we should really get to deep into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which makes up our genes that carry our traits through the generations, and serve as instruction books for making functional molecules such as ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins.... lets stick to real basic stuff.

Stuff like Brown dominates Blonde, or Brown dominated Blue.... basicly the darker the color the more dominate.

So I thinks to myself... Self I say, you need something lighter to work with. First I traded in some gold to get Shamrock sheep.... then I remembered the reward for digging a storage cellar which is the Miner Sheep which is a muddled whitish ewe.

I then begin breeding that ewe with the Ram until I got a white color area 1 muddled color area 3 and small white color area 2 ewe.
Which I then bred with my lightest dark Ram and I got my Ram that I have been doing most of my Breeding with so far.

With this Ram I breed to the luv Ewe which I got from Valentines I think to get the pretty pastel pink ewes.

Proud of myself I then turned my attention back to the Red ewe.... breeding the white Ram to the Red ewe until I got the yellow ewe.

Ok I think that pretty much catches us up to how I got to where this blog started.

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